Students praise Quantum Group’s ‘amazing’ green skills training

College students have been praising our bespoke green skills training course and “amazing” training bays.

Plumbing student Dylan enjoyed how our training covers sustainable technology in more depth than other courses

Our state-of-the-art bays give learners practical experience of working with low-carbon and energy-saving technologies such as heat pumps. The accompanying Level 2 course, Sustainable Energy and Renewable Technologies, offers a comprehensive introduction to fossil fuels, global warming, building regulations and working with live systems.

One of the plumbing students who took our course at London South Bank Technical College, Dylan, said Quantum Group’s training stood out from other courses thanks to the focus on green energy and the practical training available. 

I’m a hands-on person and the ability to work on systems which involve sustainability was amazing

Dylan, plumbing student

He added: “In college I’ve been able to go over renewables and sustainability but it wasn’t in depth [like Quantum Group’s course is]. I’d heard that in this course [by Quantum Group] we’d learn about heat pumps and solar, so that ties into plumbing, which I’m going into. Everything is moving to sustainability and renewable energy, so I thought this would be a good course.”

Describing what attracted him to our new course, he said: “The fact that this course involves air source heat pumps and solar thermal, as it’s going to be a major factor in my plumbing in the years to come.

“The most interesting part of the course for me was the practical side of things. I’m a more hands-on person, and the ability to work on systems which involve sustainability and new technology was amazing. I learn more when I’m doing something, not when I’m watching it on a screen.”


Fellow student Dillon said: “This is the first course I’ve taken in sustainable energy. As a plumber, I want to know as much as I can about the industry and new technologies. If you understand more, you have a better insight into the construction industry as a whole.

“I liked this course because it was hands-on and there was more of a practical aspect.”

Dillon has clear ideas on how this experience will elevate him from rivals in his plumbing career, saying: “Because new technologies are coming into play more and more in different places, not only industrial but domestic, it will help me to have an understanding of these.”

Similarly, he was impressed with how the course helped him build on his existing knowledge. He said: “I’ve learnt bits and pieces from other courses, but this course brings it as a whole.”

He concluded: “With the knowledge I’ve gained, I can move into sustainability and renewable technology. If I have a customer who wants to move on to something that’s new and green I’ll be able to advise them. I get to stand out now.”

Net zero

A third student, Josh, said: “This is my first course in this sort of technology. It’s in depth [and] very detailed. I’ve done my Level 2 plumbing before. 

“The Government is implementing net zero for global warming and climate action and what we need to do to address it. It’s so important.”

Our Level 2 course is assured by City & Guilds and was developed in partnership with Daikin UK. You can learn more about how we’re helping close the green skills gap at

Learn more about our training bay installation at Stockport College at

Find out how we can support your college’s green curriculum at

Our team is more than happy to answer your questions. Please email Jade Husson, Business Development, at [email protected]

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